The NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub periodically convenes whole of Hub or specific research theme workshops to progress implementation of its research plans and communicate research achievements. Between 29-31 October, 2019 the Hub convened a whole of Hub workshop designed to achieve the following objectives:
- To generate a shared understanding among the Hub researchers about what we have achieved to date and the impact of our research
- To progress development of collaborative research outputs for Hub research, and
- To identify future research priorities for marine biodiversity.
The workshop was attended by more than 60 Hub researchers and structured to provide a mix of interactions between researchers, including; plenary sessions, smaller working group sessions to progress implantation of projects, and world café style exchanges of ideas and experiences (see workshop program at Attachment A). This summary report provides a reflection from the Hub Director, key points from the three main plenary sessions and links to presentations shared throughout the workshop.